Seawater Desalination

Seawater Desalination

Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology is a groundbreaking low-temperature technology in the field of seawater desalination.

The distinctive features of the technology, compared to reverse osmosis, are the following:

  • Unlike reverse osmosis, which produces about 50% of the waste in the form of brine discharged into the sea, Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology desalinates the entire volume of water taken from the sea. From 100 m³ of seawater, 100 tons of potable water and 4 tons of wet salt are obtained.
  • Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology does not generate waste; i.e., it is environmentally friendly.
  • Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology consumes 5-7 times less energy than reverse osmosis; i.e., net 0.5-0.8 kWh/t.
  • Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology does not use any consumables - anodes or cathodes, inhibitors, chemical additives, filters, membranes, etc.
  • Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology produces potable water of high consumer quality from seawater without the need for additional processing, including UV irradiation, fine cleaning, and additional mineralization. Water can be bottled immediately without additional treatment.
  • Both investment and operating costs are 25-40% lower than those associated with reverse osmosis technology.

Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology units are installed in 40-foot containers with a capacity of 75 tons per day, which are capable of operating completely autonomously. Minimal maintenance staff is needed and daily maintenance is not required, with the only requirement of selecting dry salt at a rate of approximately 3-4 tons per installation per day.

Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology operates 365 days a year, without the need for additional generators or components. Its productivity is increased by scaling up the number of units used.

Thanks to its high degree of autonomy, lack of dependence on consumables, and compatibility with alternative energy sources, Waterbender - Seawater Desalination Technology can be deployed in remote locations lacking essential infrastructure, effectively replacing natural sources of potable water. This technology is unparalleled globally, with no existing analogues.

The technology has been tested in many countries and received positive evaluations from water quality laboratories (including evaluation by the SGS laboratory).

If you are interested in the technology or have any questions, please contact us!