Research and Development

Waste to Energy Development Center Consortium

Research and Development

The Consortium and its members execute the following tasks in the project management workflow. 

Recycling Technologies: Researching innovative recycling methods and technologies to promote sustainability and reduce plastic waste.

Waste Collection and Infrastructure: Designing efficient waste collection systems.

Energy Efficiency: Focusing on energy-efficient methods and technologies to reduce the environmental footprint of plastic waste.

Market Research: Analyzing market trends and consumer demands to align R&D efforts with market needs and opportunities.

Cost Reduction: Identifying ways to reduce waste processing costs through process improvements and optimization.

Supply Chain Optimization: Streamlining the supply chain to minimize lead times and ensure timely delivery of plastic waste to power plants.

Sustainability Initiatives: Incorporating sustainability principles into R&D efforts including circular economy concepts and reduced environmental impact.

Environmental Impact Reduction: Implementing strategies to minimize the environmental impact of plastic processing, such as reducing water usage and emissions.

Marine Plastic Cleanup Technologies: Investigating technologies to remove plastic debris from oceans and water bodies.

Waste Sorting: Creating efficient systems and technologies for sorting plastics from mixed waste streams.

Waste-to-Energy Conversion: Developing additional methods for converting plastic waste into energy.

Product Redesign: Collaborating with manufacturers to design products that use less plastic or incorporate recycled materials.

Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs): Innovating MRFs to enhance the efficiency of sorting and recycling processes.

Circular Plastic Economy Models: Developing strategies and business models to promote the circular economy where plastics are reused, recycled, or remanufactured to extend their lifespan.

Microplastic Remediation: Developing methods to remove microplastics from water bodies and ecosystems.

Market Trend Forecasting: Staying ahead of market trends and consumer habits regarding plastic waste production.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring that plastic waste processing meets regulatory and environmental standards.

Policy Advocacy: Engaging with policymakers and advocating for regulations that promote responsible plastic waste management.

Waste Audits: Conducting audits to assess the composition and sources of plastic waste to inform targeted reduction efforts.

Partnerships and Collaboration: Collaborating with research institutions, industry partners, governments, and other organizations to tackle plastic waste challenges collectively and develop novel technologies.

Community Engagement: Involving communities and stakeholders in plastic waste reduction and management efforts.

Consumer Education: Creating educational campaigns to raise awareness about plastic waste reduction and recycling.

If you have any questions, please contact us.