Natron Crystal Cleaning Technology

Natron Crystal Cleaning Technology

Modern crystallizers often consume significant amounts of electricity due to the outdated technologies employed in their operation. The processes of evaporating water and separating solids, such as heavy metal salts, calcium, and other substances, require tens or even hundreds of kilowatts of electricity. As energy prices continue to rise, the use of such crystallizers becomes increasingly costly and inefficient.

In contrast, Waterbender - Natron Crystal Cleaning Technology employs the principles of phase transition to separate solid particles from liquid forms, such as water and brines. The technology employed in this crystallizer is based on Phase Change Crystal Separation Technology (PCCST).

Waterbender - Natron Crystal Cleaning Technology is capable of separating heavy and harmful particles in significantly shorter timeframes, resulting in a substantial reduction in electricity consumption, operating with as little as 10 kWh per ton.

This innovative crystallizer facilitates the drying of wet soils and the separation of solid substances dissolved in liquid residues. For example, it can isolate hazardous heavy metal salts dissolved in mine water or extract valuable sodium hydroxide from red mud, a waste product of aluminum production. By employing Waterbender - Natron Crystal Cleaning Technology, previously unprofitable drying or separation projects can become commercially viable and quickly recover their investment.

Waterbender - Natron Crystal Cleaning Technology operates exclusively on electricity and does not require consumables, chemicals, sorbents, coagulants, or any other additives.

If you are interested in the technology or have any questions, please contact us!