FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the essence of the technology that Technology Transfer Labs offers?
Our Plastic Processing Power Plant converts mixed plastic waste into storable energy carriers, such as oil, gas, and carbon powder in a zero-emission, closed system using thermochemical conversion. Feedstock produced by our technology is of the same quality with the same characteristics as feedstock processed from conventionally mined and refined petroleum. The feedstock can be used for fuel, electricity production or the establishment of a circular plastic economy.
2. What kind of global and business challenges are being addressed by your solution?
The continuous search for alternative energy options is in the spotlight for businesses, public organizations, and governments. Our solution addresses the world's great need for alternative sources of energy. Our technology makes it possible to recycle, in an environmentally friendly way, all types of mixed plastic waste including unrecyclable, end-of-lifecycle plastics.
3. How is your technology different from pyrolysis?
Compared to pyrolysis, our technology is far more efficient and environmentally friendly. The technology applies calibrated temperature, which ensures high quality of feedstock. Instead of burning gas, our technology runs solely on electricity during the entire operation without any negative environmental impact. The self-sustaining plant generates its own electricity required for the entire operation, using 15-17% of the total electricity produced. Our technology produces no toxic sludge, a by-product of conventional pyrolysis, which needs additional treatment. In addition to gas and oil, our technology produces pure carbon, which provides an additional revenue stream. However, currently used pyrolysis technologies produce 5-15% residual (unusable) byproducts and/or sludge.
4. Who is the target clientele for
your technology?
One of our target groups is municipalities and industries, such as car part manufacturing or packaging that want to eliminate their plastic waste. We also target businesses involved in electricity production and plastic manufacturing. In line with our values, our goal is to partner with companies whose objective is the conscious diversification of energy resources with a higher level of social responsibility.
5. What is the average ROI for your
mixed Plastic Processing Power Plant?
Depending on the capacity of the plastic processing power plant, our ROI is only 3-5 years.
6. What input material may be used?
The mixed plastic waste needs no cleaning prior to processing. We can process: polyethylene, polypropylene, polyamide, ABS, polystyrene, polycarbonate, and even PVC. The plant is designed to process mixed plastic waste, but no other foreign materials; e.g., rubber. It's not a problem if a small amount of other materials, such as paper, organic material, or metal enter the system.
7. What is the output?
70% high calorific value (38-42 MJ/kg) pure oil, 22-25% high calorific value (50-54 MJ/kg) methane, ethane, propane, butane and inert gasses, and 5-8% solid fraction, 16-18 MJ/kg calorific value, easily usable non-toxic carbon powder. Apart from the feedstock I just mentioned, our technology does not produce or emit any other materials or waste.
8. Does the technology require the use
of catalysts?
No chemicals, catalysts, or any other input materials are required for our technology.
9. Is it possible to feed the generated
electricity back to the power grid?
The technology is capable of generating electricity according to the specifications of power companies at a better ramp rate and ramp time than electricity from other sources. Unlike electricity produced from wind and solar sources that depend on weather conditions, our technology allows for continuous production of electricity with no limitations. Furthermore, electricity produced by our power plant can be sold at peak hours to maximize profits.
10. Does a working plant already exist anywhere?
Yes, we already operate a power plant in the European Union (Hungary) with outstanding results as measured by independent evaluators.
11. Are you collaborating with other organisations or individuals to achieve your impact?
There are international social organizations; e.g., Blue Ocean whose objective and primary activity is to clean up the world's seas and oceans from plastic waste. Several technologies are already capable of removing plastic waste from the seas and oceans to land. We are looking to collaborate with these organizations and are happy that by using PPPP technology, we can together achieve the goal of turning plastic pollution, which has been a huge environmental and ecological problem, into sustainable electricity or even high purity fuel to power the ships of companies, so that we can effectively contribute to this noble and worthwhile environmental mission.
12. How has the solution inspired others in your community to advance sustainability and human development?
It is safe to say that all industries, be it agriculture, industry, trade, transport, etc., need sufficient energy to develop sustainable, environmentally friendly and efficient technologies and operate them economically. By spreading our technology worldwide, we are a global leader in recycling plastic molecules. By creating jobs, we support local economies.
Plastic is an important and ubiquitous material in our economy and in our daily lives. It has many functions that help us address the many challenges that our society faces. Lightweight and innovative materials in cars or aircraft save fuel and reduce CO2 emissions. High performance plastic insulation materials help save on energy bills. In packaging, plastics help ensure food safety and reduce food waste. When combined with 3D printing, biocompatible plastics can save human lives through medical innovation.
However, current ways of manufacturing, using and disposing of plastics too often fail to reap the economic benefits of a more 'circular' approach and harm the environment. Today, there is an urgent need to address the environmental problems that cast a long shadow over the production, use, consumption, and disposal of plastics. The millions of tons of plastic waste dumped into the oceans every year is one of the most visible and alarming signs of these problems, which are causing growing public concern.
Rethinking and improving the functioning of such a complex value chain will require effort and greater cooperation from all key players in the chain, from plastics producers to recyclers, retailers and consumers. It also requires innovation and a shared vision to steer investment in the right direction. The plastics industry is very important for the European economy and increasing its sustainability can create new opportunities for innovation, competitiveness and job creation, in line with the objectives of the renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy.
13. Please elaborate how your solution has improved inclusion and equality?
Introducing and communicating this technology to international markets can play a significant role in promoting environmentally conscious behavior. It could also help support a global education effort among social organizations to raise awareness of the fact that, with the right technology, valuable energy can be recovered from plastic waste that has not been recycled (and has so far only polluted our environment).
It will also be possible to provide electricity (even in island mode) to areas where people are still living in considerable poverty because there is currently no manufacturing or agricultural capacity to provide employment opportunities due to the lack of electricity. The spread of the technology will also provide opportunities for innovation in industry and agriculture.
14. How many tons of CO2 (GHGs) has your solution avoided since inception?
The technology can deliver both primary (1) and secondary (2) CO2 savings. It is an environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable technology to generate electricity while also reducing greenhouse gasses.
The amount of storable energy produced during the operation of the plant does not require the extraction of fossil fuels (oil and gas) to be reproduced. Thus, CO2 emissions associated with oil and gas extraction can be avoided.
15. Please elaborate how your solution improves energy efficiency in areas selected above.
This revolutionary technology is currently not available in the energy market. Therefore, the amount of electricity generated by this technology could bring significant growth to the energy sector. Based on the amount of mixed plastic waste that has not been recycled so far (due to lack of appropriate technology), the overall potential increase could be 6-8%.
16. Please detail how your solution has benefitted people's lives?
We can avoid the environmental harm and negative impacts of plastic waste. Our Plastic Processing Power Plant helps build a circular economy by recycling mixed plastic waste to be used again and again. Our closed-system, emission-free technology using turbines and generators, which exceed the highest and most rigorous regulations for emission set by the EU, is environmentally friendly, helping fight global warming and climate change. Plastics made from our feedstock have a dramatically lower carbon footprint than plastics made from traditional fossil-fuel sources.
Our technology is also suitable for supplying electricity to hospitals, communication centers, and other essential infrastructure in "island" mode. This mode of operation can be maintained even when, for whatever reason (e.g. natural disaster, etc.), there is a power outage on the local power grid due to system-level power supply problems.
The technology is also suitable for the charging of electric vehicles (cars, buses, and trucks).
The technology also produces large amounts of so-called waste heat during the generation of electricity. The thermal energy can also be used to power cold storage facilities. Thus, it can be used in the food industry and other industries where heating or cooling is needed.
17. The Plastic Processing Power Plant offers the following impressive solutions:
- Reduction of energy exposure,
- Creation of new electricity production capacity,
- Creating system-level regulatory electricity,
- Use of new alternative technologies suitable for energy production,
- Development of a circular, sustainable and renewable energy economy,
- Development of electrical networks with outstanding ramp rate and ramp time,
- Environmentally friendly recycling of waste materials,
- Energy production utilizing renewable raw materials,
- Recycling of end-of-life, non-recyclable plastic waste,
- Creation of a plastics circular economy,
- Production of new petrochemical and chemical raw materials,
- Creation of new, alternative thermal energy,
- Efficient implementation of logistical objectives of various energy communities.
In addition to its positive environmental effects, the Plastic Processing Power Plant processes previously generated and deposited mixed plastic waste in large quantities with unique efficiency. This innovative solution partially replaces the energy produced from fossil fuels by processing mixed plastic waste in a closed (anaerobic) system without polluting the environment.

The output of the technology is dependent on both the composition and quantity of plastic waste utilized as input. Hence, the computations presented in all TTL USA materials represent mean calculations rather than precise values.
If you have any questions, please contact us!
Carbon Footprint
The values contained in the CO2 emissions table are extrapolated and modeled based on the standard fuel consumption of the turbine. In every instance, precise calculations of CO2 emissions are required due to the non-uniform nature of the chemical feedstocks and fuels originating from the PPPP plant. These materials are inherently variable, stemming from the processing of diverse compositions of chemical waste within distinct geographic regions. Notably, discernible disparities are evident in the outcomes of the foundational CO2 emissions calculations associated with each respective technology.