Dynamix - Green Hydrogen Production

Dynamix - Green Hydrogen Production

Waterbender - Dynamix Technology is based on the principle of harnessing the inherent energy in water to separate hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Within the system, water is used to generate a dynamic magnetic field, which is cleverly converted into electricity. This electricity is subsequently employed to initiate the process of water hydrolysis. The generated hydrogen and oxygen are stored, while the entire system is restored to its original state, enabling continuous extraction of internal energy.

The pilot installation features recessed water and gas pipes installed at a depth of 60 meters underwater. If suitable depth is unavailable, the pipes can be positioned at a corresponding height, such as on a hill or pedestal. The system accommodates water of any quality whether fresh or seawater. The proprietary mechanism glides along the pipe system from its base to the end. Hydrogen produced within the system rises through the same pipe and is then transferred to a tank at the top for storage or use. The system operates independently of the environment, without any discharges, consumables, or noise.

The hydrogen generation system offers easy scalability by adjusting the pipe thickness and the number of pipes used. The pipe material can be selected to endure the pressure equivalent to 60 meters of water while maintaining resistance to the properties of water.

The system requires electricity only to initiate the process; once started, the power source can be turned off, and the system generates energy independently.

The purity of the resulting gasses corresponds to the parameters utilized in the hydrolysis unit, eliminating the need for further purification.

Due to its operation without consumables and its ability to self-supply the necessary energy, the Waterbender - Dynamix Technology HYDROGEN system boasts remarkably low capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX). As a result, the cost of producing hydrogen and oxygen is exceptionally low, positioning this system as one of the most efficient in the world.

If you are interested in the technology or have any questions, please contact us!