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Students Using VR Space Cabin

The VR Space Cabin developed and manufactured by SpaceBuzz-HU allows students to experience space travel. With the SpaceBuzz VR Space Cabin, students can see Earth from a walk around the International Space Station as astronauts do in space. The virtual space journey is part of the SpaceBuzz educational program, designed to show students through their own experiences how fragile our planet is and how important it is to take care of it. This program also aims to spark children's interest in natural sciences.

The SpaceBuzz educational program is offered free of charge to schools and aims to engage children in climate and environmental protection issues, promote responsible behavior of future generations, and foster curiosity in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields. 

About the SpaceBuzz Education Support Program

The innovative SpaceBuzz educational program features 12 special missions that take children on a virtual space journey introducing them to space, Earth, and technical sciences. The initial pilot program developed in international collaboration with The Netherlands, France, Italy, and Hungary with the support of Erasmus+, has since expanded to include over 100 Hungarian and cross-border schools. More than 5500 students and 200 teachers have participated, with teachers receiving training and educational materials, such as student workbooks, teacher's manuals, and STEM guides. 

We were delighted to participate in the SpaceBuzz First Hungarian Space Congress and extend our sincere gratitude for the opportunity to personally conduct VR space travel experiences for school children. 

"A profound understanding of engineering, information technology, and natural sciences is not only essential for space exploration and space technology but also constitutes the basis of any research and development activity. In order for young people to immerse themselves in these fields with joy and curiosity, it is worth incorporating new, exciting technological tools," emphasized Dr. Orsolya Ferencz, Ministerial Commissioner for Space Research at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade at the presentation of the SpaceBuzz-HU VR Space Cabin, which has already been tested by Tibor Kapu, the selected research astronaut of the HUNOR Hungarian Astronaut Program. 

"The essence of the SpaceBuzz educational program is experiential, meaning that children not only observe from the outside, but they can also experience space travel and the so-called Overview effect, a view of our planet from outer space. During the virtual spacewalk, children gain a deeper understanding of Earth's fragility and the importance of environmental stewardship. This immersive experience also increases their interest in natural and technical sciences and strengthens their collaborative, creative, and communication skills," reported István Zentai, Chairman of the Board of the SpaceBuzz Hungary Public Benefit Foundation.

Originally, the VR experience was provided by a Dutch SpaceBuzz rocket, but due to limited availability for Hungarian schools, the foundation has developed a fully Hungarian VR Space Cabin. The goal is to eventually build a Hungarian rocket that can accommodate up to 12 participants simultaneously.

"One of the significant challenges of the present is ensuring a sustainable future including climate change, environmental protection, resource utilization, and energy supply. We are convinced that one of the most important tasks is the education of young people as they will become future engineers, researchers, scientists, teachers, lawyers, agriculturists, decision-makers, as well as economic, financial, and political leaders. Therefore, it is essential for the future generation also to be aware of the current tasks as some of the solutions are expected from them," emphasized the chairman of the foundation.

About the Foundation

The main activity of the SpaceBuzz Hungary Education Support, Climate and Environmental Protection Public Benefit Foundation is to provide free, registration-required, experiential, specialized STEM education, including virtual space travel, to Hungarian schools within and beyond Hungary's borders. The foundation also provides training for teachers and plans to provide sensitization programs for middle and senior managers to promote sustainability. The foundation is the winner of the Public Prize of the Vodafone Digital Award 2023, and is a member of the EDISON100 platform and a founding member of the EdTech and XR coalition.