Head Office: 4840 MacArthur Blvd, NW, Suite 605, Washington, DC 20007
Registered: 677 North Washington Blvd. #57 Sarasota, FL 34236 USA
+1 (301) 996-1353

Please send us an e-mail.


If you want to partake in the realization of a "Cleaner Future" and be a member of the team of a truly world-renowned project, submit your CV and cover letter to
Apply now!
For the global implementation of our technologies, we are looking for employees in the following areas:

- Environmental Engineer
- Mechanical engineer
- Project manager
- Information Systems Technician
- PR and communication specialist
- Influencer
- Logistician
- Economist

Zero-Emission Technology

Solving the Energy Crisis with
Zero-Emission Technology
TTL USA, Inc. offers two products:
- an innovative, revolutionary, and patented technology of a plastic processing power plant and
- a revolutionary natural composite to replace plastic. Please support our company. Our goal is to introduce these two products to the market as soon as possible to solve the imminent gas and energy crisis in an environmentally safe way
1) Our zero-emission plastic processing power plant is an environmentally friendly and state-of-the-art technology that provides a cost-effective solution to the global problem of plastic pollution. Instead of burning plastic waste and depositing it in landfills, our plastic processing power plant has the capacity to process huge masses of mixed plastic waste through a heat decomposition process that yields oil, gas, and carbon. Consequently, this feedstock can be used for several purposes, such as heating homes, producing electric energy as well as creating a circular plastic/oil economy.
2) We also offer a global, environmentally friendly, and exceptionally efficient solution to replace synthetic plastic products with a 100% natural composite. Our new, profoundly unique, non-polluting composite is a fully biodegradable and natural material, which can be produced in currently used industrial, large-scale molding technologies of plastics production without changing the production process. This composite can be composted not only in industrial settings but also at home. Furthermore, once discarded, this material becomes the perfect fertilizer for the soil.